1.30$ per minute
- Rating
- Age 18
- Sex Female
- Location Cali, Colombia
- Sexual orientation Bisexual
- Speaks Spanish, English
- Eyes Brown
- Hair Redhead
- Constitution Slender
- Breast size Small: A-B
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Jonh - 2023-10-23
No cumple, no caigas
Expert - 2023-09-01
Just perfect. Tried so hard to please...just perfect!
Tom - 2023-03-19
Very nice webcamer 👍
Tony - 2023-03-19
Very hot 🔥
- 2023-03-18
- 2023-03-18
It was good 👍🏻
Thomas86 - 2023-02-06
Very good again
Thomas86 - 2023-01-19
She delivered a perfect and professional show
$1.30 per minute
The model chose to display her Skype ID only if your balance is at least $1.